It is not uncommon for things to turn out differently than you think and the booked vacation has to be canceled or cut short prematurely. We would like to spare you and ourselves the associated costs and hassle. We therefore recommend you to take out the hotel cancellation insurance from Europäische Reiseversicherung, which provides you and your fellow travelers with the best possible protection, without a deductible and including helicopter rescue after an accident on site. Conclude here easily.
Please also note that we will charge the contractually owed cancellation costs in the event of a cancellation or curtailment. If you do not take out cancellation insurance, you will have to bear these costs yourself.

Cancellation conditions - AGBH

Up to 3 months before the agreed date of arrival of the guest at the latest, the accommodation contract can be cancelled without payment of a cancellation fee by means of a unilateral declaration by the contract partner.

- up to 1 month before the day of arrival 40 % of the total arrangement price;

- up to 1 week prior to the date of arrival 70 % of the total package price;

- in the last week before the day of arrival 90 % of the total package price.

To save costs, we recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance with your insurance company in order to be prepared for unforeseeable situations. In case of cancellation, the "Austrian Hotel Regulations apply."

(Translated with (free version))